
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Festivals Ontario: Mississauga Waterfront Port Credit

The Mississauga Waterfront Festival in Port Credit has to be one of the top Ontario festivals, with concerts, midway with games of chance and rides, and lots of activities and events geared to children, and it is happening this weekend!

Here are some pictures from Friday night, of the midway and the harbour. Click on an image to enlarge, then click the Back button to return to this page.

Midway Rides Mississauga Waterfront Festival
The Waterfront Festival midway is set up on the north side of Lakeshore Road, next to the Port Credit library, which is currently closed for renovations. I took these pictures between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Friday evening.

Ferris Wheel Port Credit Library Mississauga
The views from the top of the ferris wheel will appeal to kids of all ages, with views up the Credit River and the tents of the Festival paid area where the concert stage is located. See link below for info page on admission costs to this paid area; there's no admission fee to the midway area. Cotton candy, anyone?

Lighthouse Port Credit Ontario
Landmark lighthouse is a beacon for visitors to get oriented; as long as you can spot the lighthouse, you know where you are. There are public washrooms located to the south side of the lighthouse, parking lot level. There's a Starbucks directly behind the lighthouse in this view, next to Helen's Fish and Chips.

Walkway under Lakeshore Road Port Credit Ontario
From the lighthouse, you can see the pedestrian walkway under Lakeshore Road that links Memorial Park and the marina at Snug Harbour on the east side of the Credit River (in the middle of this picture). The sidewalk to the left in the photo runs along Lakeshore Road bridge; The walkway to the right in the photo is for pedestrian traffic.

Boats Anchored Near Snug Harbour Restaurant Port Credit
On the east side of the river, Snug Harbour overlooks the marina, this summer weekend filled with gorgeous boats! From this view, go clockwise from bottom around marina to Snug Harbour, then continue around the restaurant (lovely patio area!) through J J Plaus Park to get to the pier.

Deep Lake Charter Fishing Boats Port Credit Harbour
l took this picture from the middle of the pedestrian walkway over the river, towards the lighthouse. These are the charter fishing boats at anchor here for the night. Walk towards this marina, continue left (south) to get to Saddington Park, hidden by the trees in the background.

Boats in Port Credit Harbour
Zodiak and kayaks heading up the Credit River from Lake Ontario past swans. Who has the right of way? The pier in the background is a favourite stroll for many visitors. That walkway is accessed in J J Plaus park, the area behind Snug Harbour restaurant.

  • For complete information for the Mississauga Waterfront Festival see the website: or call the hot line at 905-891-0002.
  • Where to park, how to get to Port Credit see previous MWF parking post.
Next party in Port Credit: Canada Day July 1 2010!


Sheila and Keith said...

Beautiful day and what fun that looks like! I wish I was there!

Karen said...

for sure - the weather couldn't have been better!

Unlike this weekend, with fog and rain and dark :-(

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