
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swans, Mother Goose, Goslings on Lake Ontario ~ A Perfect Day in the Park!

These swans, mother goose and goslings were having a lovely afternoon on Lake Ontario today. I'd stopped by Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens in Port Credit (Ontario) with a friend visiting from Australia, to see if the rhodos were coming into bloom. They are, and I posted pictures on that blog (link at bottom of this page).

Three Swans A'Swimming ~ Lake Ontario, Port Credit

After admiring the rhodos, which were positively alive with busy bees delirious for their sweet, sweet pollen, we walked over the hill and down to the lake (Ontario), where a calm lake made for wonderful swan and geese pics, including this mama below, with her half-dozen goslings.

Mother (Canada) Goose with Goslings ~ Mississauga Ontario

In the pic above, you can see how clear the water is, testament to the calm weather of the past few days. The mommy goose was a lot calmer, too, as the goslings are getting bigger and must not be quite the worry for her that they were a few weeks ago.

Canada Goose and Babies ~ Swimming and Feeding

Though the mommy seemed a lot less en garde than before, her neck kept craning like a periscope, always on the look out for any threat to her babies. Satisfied there was none, she'd dip her beak into the waves and find something to nibble on.

Goslings Come Ashore to Forage for Food

After bobbing in the gentle waters for some minutes, the goose and babies came ashore to waddle across the gravelly beach. These goslings seemed not to notice me, my friends, or the two women who were dropping occasional crumbs onto the pebbles. You can see why a predator would have an easy snack of these carefree darlings!

Close Up Picture Goslings Two

The foraging goslings came up almost to my shoes, and never paid me any mind at all. Had I any bird food to offer them, I am sure they'd have eaten from my hand.

Mauve Rhodos in Bloom ~ BRG

Here is one of the pics I took before going to the lake to see the swans, and geese. The rhodos are just coming into flower, and over the coming weeks, should give a good show. No idea how long our goslings will be with us, but I intend to visit often and keep an eye on all my lovely things here in the park!

More goslings, etc here and rhodos here
and see also the Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens blog.

Update: May 14. 2009

Mother Goose, Goslings 6 at Breuckner Rhodo Gardens

Last night just as the sun was setting, around 8 p.m., I came across the mommy and her babies nibbling on the lush new grass alongside the Waterfront Trail east of the footbridge closest to the Lake. The goslings are growing so fast!


workhard said...

Oh.. that is such a nice post

Love the pictures

Boise Homes

Karen said...

Thanks so much!

I was very lucky to get these pics yesterday, as when I went again today, the goose and goslings were gone, and the waves were fairly forceful.

Allen said...

Lake Ontario is always a lovely experience at any time of the day. I love this place. Thank u for nice pictures.

Karen said...


I love it too! This part of Mississauga has to be the best place to live if you like trails, parks, wildlife, the lake and river, and village life.

And with the Lake dominating the south view, at night, we can see the stars!

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing a LOT of birds and wildlife this month at various parks throughout Mississauga.

On Lake Wabukayne (NE corner of Glen Erin/Windwood Dr. behind condo and school) at the moment, 13 tiny ducklings with mom and dad Mallard.

I sighted the ducklings at the West end of the lake, right by the wooden dock/outlook on South side of lake.

The ducklings are so tiny and swimming so hard trying to keep up with the parents. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera so no pics.

There's a Free BBQ, lake tour, etc. at Lake Wabukayne this Saturday (May 30th) from 10am-1pm that I'm hoping to attend - hopefully the weather will be good!

Riverwood Park, Erindale Park and Rattray Marsh have been really great this month too!


Karen said...

Hi Jo-Anne,

Thanks for letting us know about the large mallard family!

I hope to get out to some of the parks this weekend, too - maybe even up to Meadowvale tomorrow for the tour at the lake.

Thanks again!

Jo-Anne said...

Hi Karen. No problem! :)

Tomorrow (Saturday), I will be at Lake W. - can't say No to free food. Ha Ha! :D

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