
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

First Snow of Winter in Port Credit ON

A White Christmas was a day or so late in Port Credit this year, but a White Day or so After Christmas is just as good.  Once the snow fall tapered off, I headed out to see what the village looked like with a light blanket of snow.

Man on paddle board surfing the waves at the mouth of the Credit River in Port Credit, off Saddington Park.
Paddle Boarder Riding the Waves.
Just hours before the snow started falling, I spotted several very hardy and obviously experienced paddle boarders on the Credit River, just off Saddington Park. Strong winds heralded the approaching snow storm, setting up large waves on Lake Ontario and into the river, crashing ashore at the stone breakwater.

Snow is still falling as a cross-country skier heads through Saddington Park in Port Credit.
Skier Saddington Park Port Credit
 Just enough snow to entice a few cross country skiers to take to the slopes and trails at Saddington Park. Though fine weather and warm temperatures bring most visitors to the park, it's a good place to come in winter, too. With the arrival of snow and cold temperatures, this fairly compact city park has also drawn sledders to its low manmade hills and skaters and hockey players on its now-frozen shallow pond.

Snowfall blankets evergreen trees around the Waterfront Trail sign at the Port Credit Marina.
Waterfront Trail Port Credit Marina 
 New snow lays heavy on the evergreens at the Port Credit Marina, now closed for the season. In the picture, it looks as if it could be located out in the woods, but busy Lakeshore Road and the Port Credit library are behind the trees about 10 feet away.

Snow-covered grasses at Lake Ontario St Lawrence Park frame the gazebo.
Gazebo St Lawrence Park Port Credit
 The Waterfront Trail continues from the marina to Port Street East along the Lake Ontario shoreline to St Lawrence Park, where new snow covers the tall grasses and the gazebo. The trail had not been cleared as yet, as it was still snowing light flurries

Canada Geese Credit River in Winter
Along the jetty that separates Port Credit Marina from the Credit River, a small flock of Canada Geese took shelter from the windy, wavy lake. Nearby, mallards, long tail ducks and assorted seagulls and pigeons kept each other company.

Port Credit lighthouse, home of the BIA, rises at the west end of a pedestrian bridge across the Credit River.
Bridge and Trail to the Port Credit Lighthouse
A dreary day brightens with the light of the Port Credit Lighthouse seen here from across the pedestrian bridge that takes the Waterfront Trail over the Credit River. The total snowfall was about 8 cm (3 inches), just enough to remind us all to hone our snow-removal skills that had been eroded following two winters with little to no snowfall in the area.

This small sign relating the history of the Port Credit lighthouse is fastened to a cherry tree at the edge of Marina Park.
Port Credit Lighthouse History Sign
 A sign originally put up, perhaps for Doors Open Mississauga or one of the various Walks in Port Credit is tied to a cherry tree at the edge of Marina Park. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Cheery orange bike with basket of snow-covered greenery in front of Paint the Town Red trailer, Marina Park, Port Credit.
Decorated Bicycle Marina Park Port Credit
The Paint the Town Red trailer is behind fencing in the seasonal parking lot south of Marina Park. These decorated bicycles, place and maintained by volunteers for TOPCA  are found around Port Credit.  See TOPCA page for details.

The skies stayed overcast much of the day, but the snow flurries stopped by evening. Following days saw mostly bright sun and blue skies,  and a rare glimpse of the full winter moon.

The clear weather brought out more visitors to Saddington Park, a mix of  photographers, dog walkers and skaters, sliders and  skiers and families out for a New Year's Day stroll. A perfect week to have calm, cold weather, while the kids are still on Christmas break.

While sunny skies brought out the photographers, I wanted to show you how the village looks when the weather is overcast and stormy.