
Thursday, September 09, 2010

Salmon Fishing, Electrofishing, Racing Pigeon : Mississauga Ontario Canada Videos

This summer I've taken a few videos of the Port Credit area of Mississauga Ontario Canada: Salmon Fishing, Electro Fishing, a Canadian Racing Pigeon as well as a Busker at Buskerfest.

Have a look, leave a comment, or post a video reply on my YouTube Channel (right menu).

Here's the salmon fishing video I took early evening at Saddington Park in Port Credit. This fisherman and his friend did an admirable job of landing this salmon, and keeping it fresh and cold until they left for home.

Here's a short video of a racing pigeon who stopped by my balcony in (Port Credit Mississauga) for rest and recuperation before heading back home, as he was trained to do.

Electrofishing (Ontario) was a new concept for me. When I saw this boat and a whole lot of people on the Credit River one evening, I shot first, asked questions later :-) Here's the video of the electrofishing boat and crew at work.

This weekend, I'll see if I can get some videos at the Southside Shuffle Blues and Jazzfest here in Port Credit. This is the last big event / festival of the season, though smaller events to mark Port Credit's 175 birthday continue to the end of the year.