
Monday, March 08, 2010

Lost Girl Series Filming Port Credit (Mississauga Ontario) Location: Showcase Channel This Fall

The Showcase television series Lost Girl is filming today in Port Credit (Mississauga Ontario), not far from the location used in the Hallmark movie 'That Russell Girl'  (see this post).

Base camp set up on Sunday at the foot of Mississauga Road South of Lakeshore Road at the edge of Saddington Park and will likely be gone by Tuesday.

Lost Girl Base Camp Port Credit Saddington Park
Today, the telltale red cones were set up along Mississauga Road, near the Legion (Lunch Room) and at Indian Road, a few kilometers north.

Canadian developed and produced by Prodigy Pictures, the action-fantasy series Lost Girl is scheduled to air in Fall 2010 on Showcase channel.

Saddington Park Port Credit Film Crew Trucks/Trailers
According to a news release, "The story revolves around a Succubus named Bo, played by New Brunswicker Anna Silk. [Bo] attempts to contain her succubus needs, help those in need, and discover her true past."

Now I don't know about you, but that's a neat word: Succubus. Turns out there's an April, 1999  episode of South Park entitled Succubus, tho I'm not a fan, so wouldn't have known. Google it and check the Wiki info: I'm not going to get into it on my Port Credit /  travel blog :-) but I may turn to the Showcase channel more often to see just what types of programs they air.

Say the name 'Anna Silk' and most of us will say, "Who?" Say 'the woman who was a flight attendant screaming at her passengers in the Nicoderm commercial', and we say, "Oh yeah - her!"

Executive producers are Jay Firestone, Paul Rapovksi, Plato Fountidakis, Michelle Lovretta and Peter Mohan. Michelle Lovretta is also the creator / writer for the series that is co-written by Peter Mohan. Series producer is Wanda Chaffey.

For information about Lost Girl or Anna Silk, or the cast, et al, see this site.

Today, there was another film shoot west of Holy Name of Mary school on Mississauga Road north of the QEW. Again, those telltale red traffic cones plus a few green cones at the highway exit ramp marked the spot. This area along Mississauga Road is a location for the television series Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Though film shoots tend to disrupt local traffic a little, no one seems to mind. It's nice to be so popular with the movie/telvision biz and it gets Toronto-philes out of the city so they can see how gorgeous Port Credit is!

And with base camp located in Saddington Park, there's a reassuring view of downtown Toronto across the lake.
Update June 15 2010
Lost Girl base camp spotted again in Port Credit this afternoon while I was checking out Covert Affairs film shoot.

PCSS Base Camp Lost Girl Location Port Credit Filming

Lost Girl Base Camp - Filming Port Credit Mississauga ON
I didn't explore this further as I was running late on the Covert Affairs shoot. Will see if I can find out more.