
Friday, December 03, 2010

Christmas Pageant Port Credit Mississauga Free Admission Live Animals Great Costumes Refreshments

St Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church Footprints of Christmas Show 2011 Dec 1-2-3 Here are pictures from 2010 :

This week, St Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church in Port Credit is holding its 13th annual Christmas show pageant called Footprints of Christmas,  and this is an event well worth taking in if you're in the area. Here are some pictures I took on the opening night, December 2, that will give you a glimpse of what to expect. I hope you'll be as charmed as I was! Thanks to everyone involved for a wonderful evening!

Interior St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Port Credit
The pageant -- Christmas story tour begins at the main entrance to the church on Stavebank Road North, where visitors are grouped into 'families' of no more than 15 members and given an official decree from Caesar Augustus to "report to the city of your fathers for census and payment of tax". While you wait for your 'family's' turn to head out for the census, you wait in the church. Carols and Christmas songs and festive decorations set the mood for your journey.

Llama one of the Live Animals Port Credit Christmas Pageant
After two sessions within the church -- one is a great slide show presentation and a spoken word presentation of the beginning of the Christmas Story; and the other is a stage presentation of Mary and Joseph's visitation from their respective angels -- the head of your 'family' leads you outside to start your journey. This llama is tethered next to the tent of the Three Wise Men.

Two of the Three Wise Men - St Andrews Footprints of Christmas
The head of our family talks with the Three Wise Men about the Star in the East and the 'gifts of the Magi' that are displayed on a small table: gold,frankinsense and myrrh.

Sheep in Pen ~ Shepherds Flock at Port Credit
After we leave the Wise Men, we come upon the shepherds tending their flock at night, in the desert. Children loved to see these animals and stopped to watch them for a while before heading into the Shepherds' tent.

Tax Collector and Census at Bethlehem Part of Christmas Story
 Our family heads into the tax collector's office to be counted, and to pay our taxes. We all hand him our census form, and after a brief controversy as to the amount due, our leader pays the tax man with a small bag of silver. Kudos to the players for a convincing performance: I was ready to dig into my purse to pay the extra money! Our census forms are stamped as paid and returned to us. They make a great souvenir of the evening.

Lepers Begging Outside the Marketplace - St Andrews Church Yard
As we continued our journey, looking for a place to stay for the night, we headed to a marketplace. On the way, these 'lepers' sitting behind a fence in the dark called out asking for money. Again, I was prepared to give them some! Good job, kids!

MarketPlace Near 'Bethlehem' ~ St Andrews Churchyard Port Credit
As we walked past the lepers, we came across a good sized marketplace, where young people were 'selling' all manner of goods in a large tent. Again, a credible performance from these young people.

No Room At the Inn ~ Christmas Story Highlight ~ St Andrew's Church
Past the marketplace, we came across an Inn where we had hoped to stay the night. The innkeeper answered our leader's knock at the door and told us there was no more room, but directed us to go around the back of the inn.

Nativity Scene St Andrews Church Footprints of Christmas
Around the back of the inn we went, and came across this charming nativity scene. As I walked around the back of the 'stable' in the dark, I came face to face with a donkey tethered at the far side. Hard to say who was more surprised!

Roman Soldier outside Bethlehem : Port Credit (Mississauga) ON
As we took our leave from the Holy Family, we passed this Roman Soldier guarding the gates to Bethlehem. From here, our family's journey was done, and we went into a side door of the church where refreshments were served.

Christmas Cookies Served to One and All: Footprints of Christmas
The lower level of St Andrews Church was set with displays for Christmas. Tables were laid with plates of Christmas cookies, and at the far end, a canteen served up hot cider, hot chocolate and coffee. There is a donation basket, but there is no pressure to contribute.

I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this 'trip to Bethlehem', and was impressed with the charm and hospitality of our hosts. It's obvious how much love and time the congregation has invested in this annual event, and for that I thank them. If you are having trouble finding your Christmas spirit, then head out tonight (Friday) or tomorrow (Saturday) and take part in this wonderful community event!

A huge Thank You to St Andrew's Presbyterian Church!

St Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church is located at 24 Stavebank Road North of Lakeshore Road East in Port Credit. The 'Footprints of Christmas' is at trip worth taking Friday and Saturday night starting at 6:30 p.m. December 3, 4. Free to all. More information at

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Filming Port Credit Commercial Activity Saddington Park

Fishing from a boat on a pond and cheddar cheese: Cracker Barrel Commercial

A gorgeous fall day, a quiet reflecting pond, a boy and his grandfather fishing from a small boat: Cracker Barrel Cheddar Cheese commercial coming to a television near you soon.

And when you see it, know that you are seeing this lovely spot in Port Credit Ontario, just steps from the Credit River and Lake Ontario. A few more steps and you'd see the CN Tower on the Toronto skyline rising across the water.

Port Credit is a popular filming location for movies and TV series (That Russell Girl, Covert Affairs, Lost Girl, Restaurant Makeover, et al) and for commercials. Often we don't even bother to check commercial shoots, but the one that is being filmed as I type is fairly high profile. Since the film company -- Spy Films Inc. -- took the time to explain the activity, I thought I'd take a closer look at the setting. Click on picture to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this post.

Traffic Cones Front Street South Telltale Sign of Filming

Yesterday afternoon, the telltale small red cones were placed along Front Street South, south of the landmark lighthouse in Port Credit, holding the space for the film trucks crew that arrived just before 6 a.m. today for set up in the frosty air.

Film Crew, Cast, on East Pond Saddington Park Port Credit

By mid-morning, the sunshine worked its magic, and the commercial shoot was well under way. What a gorgeous spot to spend a late Fall day, and get paid to do so! Film companies tend to be very strict with safety issues, as you can see here. The boy and his 'grandfather' in the boat (canoe)  have their own lifeguard, even though the water he is standing in is only knee deep.

Canada Geese Saddington Park  Pond

This little pond at Saddington Park is a great favourite with the local Canada Goose community, and they're used to having it all to themselves. Today, though, as they came in for a landing, they were surprised with this film crew and boats.

Reflecting Pond, Canada Geese

With much loud goose grumbling, the geese made a fast change to their flight path and splashed to a landing in the far corner of the pond.

Trees Reflection at Noon: Autumn in Port Credit

With no wind and a clear blue sky, the trees around the pond were mirrored in the water.

Wooden Footbridge Saddington Park

The film company's small zodiak with motor was anchored just at the top of the small dam / waterfall that parallels the foot bridge. The entire company had to be pleased with the location manager's choice for this shoot!

Film Crew Trucks, Trailers Front Street South Port Credit

Just before noon, the catering company set up a dozen or more tables, nicely laid with white cloths, along the sidewalk at the edge of Saddington Park, near a large buffet table. For a moment, I was tempted to just walk up, fill a plate and take a seat, saying I left my ID elsewhere.

The film company has the location until 10 p.m. tonight, according to the notice we got, but I imagine they'll be all done but the packing by then. Just after two, high clouds started rolling in, and once the sun is blocked even a little, you really feel the actual temperature of about 9 C: it's chilly!

Condos Hurontario and Lakeshore Road East Port Credit / Mississauga

I'd walked through Saddington Park to have a look at the filming on the pond, but I also got a fresh look at the condominium building (blue-gray color) nearing completion at Hurontario and Lakeshore Road East, across from TEN Restaurant and Wine Bar.

I usually see this building from street level, not from a distance. I think it makes a great addition to our little skyline in Port Credit.

And by the way, I watched the young fellow fishing from the boat: He has a pretty good casting arm for a little guy! Memo to self: Keep an eye out for a Cracker Barrel ad to see how this shoot makes it through edit.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Artisan Studio Tour Mississauga South Fine Craft Show

20 Artisans, 8 Studios, Free Tour ~ Fun Day + Christmas, Personal Shopping Opportunity

South Mississauga area artisans came to the Port Credit Farmers Market yesterday with a sampling of one-of-a kind crafts to be featured at the upcoming Artisan Studio Tour taking place the weekend of Oct 23, 24, 2010. An incredible 20 professional artisans living and working in the Port Credit Mineola area will showcase their fine crafting in eight working studios.

This juried artisan studio tour is a great opportunity to meet the artisans who variously work with clay, wood, metal, textiles and glass to create pottery, knives, wall art, sculptures knitwear, jewellery and handbags.

Here are some pictures, posted in no particular order, taken at the Farmers Market to give a sample of the wide range of functional art created by our talented local artisans. Click on image to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page.

  Bill Thoms ~ Knitwear

 Josie Goodfellow ~ Felted Handbags

 George Christou ~ Metalworker

 Adam Beales ~ Potter

Gillian Sych ~ Ceramist

 Robin Hollingdrake ~ Jewellery

 Kit Mahood ~ Weaver

 Bill Barkhouse ~ Woodcarver

Jim Kinnie ~ Jewellery

Marlyn Rollauder ~ Weaver

 Bea Harris ~ Textile Artist

John Dorrell ~ Knifemaker
 Note: The blade on this desk knife / letter opener has such a high shine that it reflects nearby objects.

Artists not mentioned above include Emma Gerard, glass artist; Noelle Hamlyn, handbags; Conniemarie Howard, metalsmith; Ron McCardell, penmaker; Marie Payne, dyer/weaver; Caryl Richmond, felter/flameworker; Sue Riley, mosaics; and Wendy Vervoort, potter.

For more information about the tour, click on the map below to enlarge, or visit their website at Artisan Studio Tour:

This is a great opportunity to meet these talented artisans who live and work in and around Port Credit, Ontario.

 Mississauga South Fine Craft Show Brochure

Friday, October 15, 2010

Water Global Goldilocks' Porridge: Blog Action Day 2010

Water water everywhere and nary a drop to drink : The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Coleridge, 1797-8

Water: The world has lots of it, more than enough to meet our global needs. But like Goldilocks on her quest for the perfect bowl of porridge, there seems to be something wrong with it: Too much, too little, too salty, too dirty, too cold or too hot.

Okay: So the world has lots of water is a given.The problem is, I think, that we don't manage it as well as we could. Despite the fact that major agencies such as the UN hold regular conferences around the world to discuss water (and other) issues that affect us all, they never seem to come up with a concrete plan of action that could be implemented now.

Long term goals such as clean water for all within 10 years do not help someone who's thirsty today, or infected by dirty water diseases such as e.Coli, dysentery, typhoid or cholera, or awash in floodwaters today, or whose crops are ruined today.

With all these meetings to talk about clean water, and all the jobs created to discuss water issues -- all activities that benefit those who already have access to clean water, or are otherwise not directly affected by unpotable water, floods or drought -- you'd think that they would cut to the chase and come up with a plan of action that would work, and work fast.

What's the cost?
And this lack of water for drinking and agriculture, or surplus of water from floods and storms, costs a lot. You'd think at some point 'Have' governments would get tired of shelling out emergency funds to rescue 'Have Not' countries.

Really. If throwing money at peoples in distress was the answer, you'd think it would have worked by now. Or that the aid givers would have donor fatigue by now. Or that the aid givers would have come to that conclusion themselves and gotten serious about solving the issue.

Maybe we need to simplify the process of water management. Something as simple as asking countries to identify major problems by region and season, and what those countries determine as their water issues. And ask what they feel they need to overcome them. Then get busy and do a triage of issues to see what can be done first to benefit more people now.

And at the same time, ask scientists and engineers and manufacturers what they can offer to manage water issues, how much they cost, and how much infrastructure is required to implement and maintain. Point would be given according to sustainable solutions. I don't have the answers, but I know there are those who do. Over the past few years, I've heard about solutions to a variety of water problems, including:

Irrigation: I'm thinking here of a process developed to irrigate crops in India, and if memory serves, in parts of Africa, that used pedal power to move water from a distant source to simple channels in the fields and control runoff during rainy seasons. Like this National Geographic article

Potable water: There are osmosis processes to filter drinking water right in a bottle. Or, as does the Outer Banks of North Carolina, process salt water on a municipal basis.

Dam or channel rainwater: As do Ontario Canada's own Conservation Areas that were developed following a major hurricane flooding over 60 years ago. Or as in India, where a flood-prone village at the base of a mountain built a systems of channels, along the lines of a Plinko game, to baffle the water during heavy rains (article in National Geographic).

Stop wasting water:  National Geographic in 2009 did an article on Australia river water being diverted for use for agriculture in a historically dry area.

Collect Rainwater  As do rural Australia and Bermuda, collect rainwater and channel into cisterns. A friend from Australia is frustrated to tears to see water sprinklers on North American lawns; All that water for cosmetic purposes, ofter running off the lawn, down the street, into the storm sewer. "And that's all treated drinking water!" she says.

In Australia, at her home where the water supply is rainwater collected in a cistern, I learned to shower in under a minute. Indeed bath tubs, even in hotels, in Australia, and elsewhere, are rare and becoming rarer.

Water Wasting Hall of Shame Award Front Runner goes to Dubai, for among other things, Dubai pumps billions of gallons onto a golf course in the desert. 

We all need to be mindful of our water use. We cannot keep sucking the aquifers dry. Or filling them with pollutants.

"Every day, women and children in Africa walk a combined total of 109 million hours to get water."  Those numbers are so high, they are almost meaningless.

But on a trip to the Ethiopian Highlands, miles from any city or village, I came across people walking the dirt tracks and roads, carrying huge containers of water up and down steep hills.

They did this every day. Over the course of a week-long road trip, I saw hundreds of them.

And along river banks and even at the fabled Queen of Sheba Baths, the women were doing laundry, in dirty water.
UN (or other) Water Board: "Ethiopia, what do you need?'

Ethiopia: "Well, in the Highlands, we could use a way to collect water in the rainy season that we could access in the dry season. And a way to make is safe to drink. In the lowlands, we need some help with flooding. And we need a way to get water to crops everywhere."
UN (or other) Water Board: "Okay, we're on it.'

 And in Haiti, water is a triple threat: Lack of potable water, floods and drought areas. In Haiti, you first need money to buy clean water. You could try boiling dirty water from the community tap or well, but you'd first need a fire, and before that, money to buy charcoal to burn. When you have no money, you're pretty well sc**ed.
UN (or other) Water Board: "Haiti, what do you need?'

Haiti: "Well, we could use drinking water everywhere, and a way to manage flooding. Being smack dab in the path of Atlantic hurricanes, storms are a big problem. Also, we seemed to have burned up most of our trees for charcoal, so that's not helping. And Gonaives is always a flood problem. Then, too, standing water breeds mosquitoes that spread malaria and dengue fever, and no sewage systems means well water is filthy. And . . . "

UN (or other) Water Board: "Okay Haiti, we get it. You're a special case. Let's get to work on this and no internal political shenanigans while we get this sorted. OK?'

Of course, this blog post is simplistic, and not meant to trivialize this very real and important issue. Books can and indeed have been written on this topic. And managing water is all tied in with global warming and climate change. It's a huge issue and many dedicated people and groups are working on many fronts to address it.

But like when Goldilocks finally got to Baby Bear's porridge, we CAN get water 'just right'. We have the ability and the capability: We just need to get our act together and make it happen.

North America and Europe, or any areas with access to clean water in good supply can be lulled into 'I'm all right, Jack!' thinking. But really, it's only a matter of time until water becomes a major issue affecting all of us directly. The sooner we get serious about managing our resources the better off we all will be.

And one person CAN make a difference. It's getting all those Ones to become Many that will effect change. See What one person can do, an great graphic post by a talented Canadian artist Franke James.

 Lake Ontario, Mississauga Canada

I support two Canadian non profits working to bring, among other things, water to those who need it: Starthrower Foundation in Haiti and Bob and Sue Black Gumuz project and the work of, in Ethiopia.

Throw your support behind agencies working to bring clean water to others and keep on nagging governments to get busy on solutions!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Doors Open Mississauga Port Credit 2010

Port Credit locations Open Doors Saturday, September 18, 2010, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

[Doors Open Mississauga 2011 is Saturday October 1 - same hours!]

Weekends are busy times in Port Credit, with major festivals or a series of smaller events taking place from June until October, a dizzying array of fun events from Canada Day, Waterfront, Busker and Jazz festivals, to boat shows, Art Walks and Studio Tours, Farmers Markets and a whole lot more that don't immediately come to mind :-)

This weekend -- September 18 -- is no exception: Port Credit venues are throwing their Doors Open for one day only on the same day the Great Canada Salmon Derby has its finale Lake Ontario fish-off and prize presentation at Saddington Park.

Here's a list of Doors Open Mississauga:

Landmark Lighthouse Port Credit - Doors Open Saturday
The lighthouse (Lakeshore Road West of the Credit River) is home to the Port Credit BIA (Business Improvement Assn.) and the hub of much fun and BBQs and more year round. The Lighthouse is Number 14 on the map, graphic below.

Map Doors Open Mississauga 2010
This is a map graphic showing all venues for the 2010 Doors Open. As the original is a PDF file, I took a screenshot to be able to show it here and for the key to the venues below. (We all know how annoying PDFs are to download. Just put up an html page, please!) In any event, the link to the full PDF file is at the bottom of this post so you can download if you want.

Doors Open Mississauga - What the Numbers on the Map Mean

Here's the schematic to understand what the venues are, with address information listed.

Number 15 is the Riverwood Conservancy (pictures etc here), and that's worth a good look! On my first Doors Open Mississauga, I toured the Number 6 the Freedom Center, just west of the Lighthouse. It's an interesting place, for sure. And I may go through the Masonic Temple  - Number 13.

New to me is a residence a few blocks from there -- Number 17 on the map,  at 46 Bay Street -- and that sounds like a good door to open! Port Credit has a number of historic  homes in this area just west and south of the Lighthouse, so plan to go walkabout if you are here.

And should you notice a few hundred people of the fishing variety at Saddington Park, that's the windup BBQ and awards for the Great Ontario Salmon Derby!

Related - see City of Mississauga Doors Open Mississauga for PDF.

Related: Previous Doors Open Mississauga this blog post.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Salmon Fishing, Electrofishing, Racing Pigeon : Mississauga Ontario Canada Videos

This summer I've taken a few videos of the Port Credit area of Mississauga Ontario Canada: Salmon Fishing, Electro Fishing, a Canadian Racing Pigeon as well as a Busker at Buskerfest.

Have a look, leave a comment, or post a video reply on my YouTube Channel (right menu).

Here's the salmon fishing video I took early evening at Saddington Park in Port Credit. This fisherman and his friend did an admirable job of landing this salmon, and keeping it fresh and cold until they left for home.

Here's a short video of a racing pigeon who stopped by my balcony in (Port Credit Mississauga) for rest and recuperation before heading back home, as he was trained to do.

Electrofishing (Ontario) was a new concept for me. When I saw this boat and a whole lot of people on the Credit River one evening, I shot first, asked questions later :-) Here's the video of the electrofishing boat and crew at work.

This weekend, I'll see if I can get some videos at the Southside Shuffle Blues and Jazzfest here in Port Credit. This is the last big event / festival of the season, though smaller events to mark Port Credit's 175 birthday continue to the end of the year.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Port Credit Buskerfest 5 Mississauga Ready for Rain, Hoping for Sun : Come on down and join the fun!

August 2011 Update: Buskerfest 6 is set for August 19, 20, 21 -- Friday night starting at 7 pm, Saturday from 1 pm, and Sunday from 1 pm. Same locations in downtown Port Credit, with some favorite buskers and some new acts, too!

Buskerfest 5 was off to a good start on Friday night, and for most of Saturday, the rain did indeed stay away. At least until 9 p.m. or so, when torrential downpours sent crowds and buskers alike scurrying for cover or home, and event organizers called the 'game' on account of rain.

Today, Sunday noon, Buskerfest is setting up for the final day of street theater, with an eye on the skies, and ready to adapt as the weather dictates.

"We are setting up as usual, and will monitor the situation and make changes as needed," says Ellen Timms, Port Credit BIA. "We're ready with rain ponchos."

Victor Rubilar at Lake Affect  Port Street East Pitch Port Credit

Victor Rubilar (Argentinian based in Sweden) had the crowd in the palm of his hands with his risque comedy patter and dance routine. Then he brings out his footballs (soccer balls to North Americans) and they go wild! Street Performer master!

Marina Pitch Buskerfest - Information Tent Port Credit

Need information or a schedule of performers? Then look for these neon green Tshirts: the person wearing one is a volunteer who's ready to tell you what you need to know.

Dangerous Comedy Busker - Marina Pitch Port Credit

David Cox, New York City, seen in this picture sans pants, performed his dangerous comedy routines at Marina Pitch. I took a video of him putting on his pants both legs at once. He's likely one of the few people who can say, "Let me jump into a pair of pants and I'll be there," and it's NOT a figure of speech.

Farrucas Latin Music ~ Mississauga Buskerfest Performers

The romance of Latin guitars from this talented duo from Ontario, Canada: Laura Spade and Jorge Cuamacas performing along the Marina. You don't need to understand Spanish to be charmed by the songs.

Lurk, the Stilt Walker Performing Port Credit Village Square

Lurk, AKA Martin Ewen, from Hawaii, enthralling the crowds outside Ten Restaurant at Village Square. This pitch is one of the most visible to traffic along Lakeshore and Hurontario, a major intersection in Mississauga that doesn't normally come with a very tall red guy.

Now here's something a bit different: Lurk is wearing a video camera in his hat, leaving his hotel room in Port Credit. See his video here on YouTube.

Busker Academy ~ Memorial Park Port Credit Mississauga

Busker Academy opened its doors for the first time, and judging by the delighted kids and parents who learned to face paint, make balloon animals and other busker tricks, it's a huge success. Busker Academy had a very short term -- Saturday afternoon only -- and ended with a course in How To Walk On Stilts, which has to be the winner of Cutest Thing Ever award. I'll post the video link ASAP :-)

Xtreme Finale Buskerfest 5 Memorial Park Port Credit

Here's the sign for the finale to the show, Sunday, at 6:45 p.m. The Xtreme Finale is the Buskerfest equivalent of the 'Fat Lady Singing': Buskerfest officially ends around 7 o'clock tonight.

And as I post this, the skies are brighter! Come on down to Port Credit, bring an umbrella or a rain poncho and have a laugh! See previous post for location map and links.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Buskerfest Port Credit Mississauga ~ Call for Volunteers, Call for Fun! Get Involved, and Come on Down!

Update: Pictures, etc August 22, 2010 this post

What is a Busker Festival?

Buskers are gutsy street performers. It's theatre in the street, comedians, contortionists, magicians and mimes, sword-swallowers and human statues. It's jugglers, escape artists and acrobats. Each performer tries to out performs the others, all for a toss of a coin in the hat.

Buskerfest Sign Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens ~ Lakeshore Road West

The Buskerfest 5 (the fifth annual festival) signs are up on Lakeshore Road West at the BRG west of Port Credit Village.  The Buskerfest dates are:
  • Friday, August 20 from 7 p.m to 11 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 21  from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Sunday, August 22 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Buskerfest 5 Map of Performing Areas Port Credit Mississauga
There are 6 main performance areas (above). Here's a list of who is where, and the sponsors who make it possible:
Number 1 (3 Stages,) Port Credit Memorial Park; sponsored by Peel Chrysler and Xtreme Tire Garage featuring the Fire Shows on Friday and Saturday night plus the Xtreme Finale on Sunday at 6:45 p.m., a charity show with all proceeds going to Options Mississauga, and Busker Academy, a new component sponsored by LaVilla Fine Foods featuring hourly workshops beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Learn how to juggle, do magic, walk on stilts, make balloon animals, creative clown face and more.

Number 2 Credit Village Marina;  sponsored by the Paint the Town Red Committee (Canada Day Committee).

Number 3 Port Credit Harbour Marina; sponsored by Lake Affect Bar and Grill.

Number 4 Elizabeth St. South (No Frills); sponsored by Carmen Corbasson, Mississauga Ward One Councillor.

Number 5 Helene St. North sponsored by Pizza Pizza.

Number 6 Port Credit Village Square ( at TEN Restaurant, Hurontario and Lakeshore Rd East), sponsored by Charles Sousa, MPP, featuring buskers and vendors.

Not Just on the Stages:
Almost every Busker rotates through the pitches (stage areas) so that each area has a nice variety of performers. In addition to the Busker Pitches, roaming performers will be visiting the shops all along the Lakeshore providing entertainment and fun for customers.

An early morning Busker Show will be featured at the Farmers Market (Lakeshore Road East of Hurontario) on Saturday morning, and buskers will also be roaming Lakeshore Road east of Hurontario throughout the Fest.

Please remember that this schedule may change without notice at any time. It’s Buskerfest!

Street Closures for Buskerfest:
Only two minor road closures over this festival weekend: Elizabeth Street South (No Frills) and Helene Street North.

From Brenda at Buskerfest 5:

"Our volunteers get more than just the opportunity to help out with an exciting event. They become a part of one of the most vibrant social communities in Ontario. It’s great fun!

"We need volunteers age 16 and over for Buskerfest 5 to work as Information representatives at each Busker site. We also need people to help with the set-up and tear-down, and for security and hospitality. There are great shifts, cool T-shirt, and interesting people to work with.

"Most volunteers act as' information booths': You get to sit in the tents and answer questions, and in effect, get priority seating for Buskerfest."

To find out more or to volunteer, come to the Orientation meeting on Tuesday, August 17th at 7 p.m. at the Port Credit Legion (googlemap) or email for more information, or to sign up if you cannot make the meeting.

You don't have to live in Port Credit to volunteer. Come out and meet other Mississaugans! It's more fun when you're involved.

Buskerfest Pictures from previous festivals.
Buskerfest scheduled Buskers

Saturday August 21 2010 : Update

Great time had by all on Friday night! To get a fairly up to date schedule, stop at the Buskerfest tents at the main locations on the map. There's a handout from the Port Credit Village Times that shows the performances, though no map is included.

If you have a copy from this paper delivered to many Mississauga homes this week, be aware that two of the stages/ pitches were inadvertently omitted in the printing process.

If you are not familiar with Port Credit, you may want to print out the location map (above) and bring it with you. In any event, it's not hard to orient yourself once you are on Lakeshore.

Today's events start at one o'clock and run until 11 tonight, with the big Fire Extravaganza set for 10:30 p.m. at Memorial Park, east side of the Credit River, across from Lighthouse.

See you there!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival July 23, 24, 25, 2010 Its First Ever

The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival, taking place July 23, 24, 25, is its first dragon boat carnival ever!

And four of the more than 200 local and international teams, from 12 countries and regions are Canadian dragon boat racing teams from the province of British Columbia.

The newly launched Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival is one of the three Mega Events earmarked by the Hong Kong SAR Government from now until mid-2011, one of the highlights of the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s (HKTB) annual Summer Spectacular.

The other two Mega Events are the Hong Kong Tennis Classic 2011 World Team Challenge, which will be held January 2011, and Hong Kong’s first ever international women’s golf event, The Hong Kong Women’s Open, from late April to early May, 2011.

Canadian Teams from False Creek :
More than 60 paddlers of four Canadian teams, sponsored by the HSBC Bank Canada and the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office (HKETO) in Toronto, are all from the False Creek Racing Canoe Club, in Vancouver, B.C.

View Larger Map

False Creek Racing Canoe Club Team in Action
The False Creek Racing Canoe Club is one of the best known breeding grounds of Canadian paddlers.  The club’s dragon boat teams have competed in many international events and have won the Hong Kong Championships for five times in previous years.

False Creek Racing Canoe Club Team Photo

These teams will join three categories of races including Mixed, Open, and Women’s International Championship in the first ever Carnival.

Ms Maureen Siu, Director of the HKETO, described Hong Kong as the birthplace of modern dragon boat racing.
“Dragon boating in Canada began at the World Expo in Vancouver in 1986, when the city was given six dragon boats by Hong Kong,” said Ms Siu. “Now dragon boating has become a popular sporting activity in major cities across Canada, and evolved beyond festivals to include community, charity and sport racing in many combinations.”
 “Having four high-calibre Canadian teams joining this event could further promote the Hong Kong-Canada relations,” she added.

Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Association and the HKTB, the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival will be held along the East Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade this year. The Victoria Harbour will be in carnival form, with fun and many cultural entertainment programs.

Michael Lim, HKTB’s Director of Canada, Central and South America, said,
“The carnival celebrates our traditional Chinese culture with modern elements by enlarging the scale of the Hong Kong international Dragon Boat Races while instilling new programs of different nature to attract even greater participation of visitors and local residents.”
For anyone lucky enough to be traveling to Hong Kong this week, this is one more wonderful event in this fabulous city! Wish I were there!

For more information, see Hong Kong festival site

Photos this page/ post courtesy of Hong Kong Tourism Board.

For pictures of Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, see my website Hong Kong section.

Update June 2, 2011

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Association (HKDBA) are organizing the annual Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races (June 17 - 19, 2011) and Canadian teams will be there!

Expo 86 in Vancouver BC was the start of Dragon boating in Canada, when Hong Kong gave the city six dragon boats. Sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, eight Canadian teams, and about 150 paddlers from the False Creek Racing Canoe Club (FCRCC) will take part

The four top teams are the FCRCC Premier Men, Premier Women, Starbucks Waverunners Komodo Dragon and Creakside Masters. The remaining four teams are known as recreational paddlers: Lifescan, Riptide, Dragon Hearts Beat and Starbucks Waverunners Sumatra.

Some groups are experienced international award-winning teams, while for others the Hong Kong competition will be their first on the international circuit. All of Canada wishes our False Creek Racing Canoe Club dragon boat teams good luck!

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