
Friday, December 03, 2010

Christmas Pageant Port Credit Mississauga Free Admission Live Animals Great Costumes Refreshments

St Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church Footprints of Christmas Show 2011 Dec 1-2-3 Here are pictures from 2010 :

This week, St Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church in Port Credit is holding its 13th annual Christmas show pageant called Footprints of Christmas,  and this is an event well worth taking in if you're in the area. Here are some pictures I took on the opening night, December 2, that will give you a glimpse of what to expect. I hope you'll be as charmed as I was! Thanks to everyone involved for a wonderful evening!

Interior St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Port Credit
The pageant -- Christmas story tour begins at the main entrance to the church on Stavebank Road North, where visitors are grouped into 'families' of no more than 15 members and given an official decree from Caesar Augustus to "report to the city of your fathers for census and payment of tax". While you wait for your 'family's' turn to head out for the census, you wait in the church. Carols and Christmas songs and festive decorations set the mood for your journey.

Llama one of the Live Animals Port Credit Christmas Pageant
After two sessions within the church -- one is a great slide show presentation and a spoken word presentation of the beginning of the Christmas Story; and the other is a stage presentation of Mary and Joseph's visitation from their respective angels -- the head of your 'family' leads you outside to start your journey. This llama is tethered next to the tent of the Three Wise Men.

Two of the Three Wise Men - St Andrews Footprints of Christmas
The head of our family talks with the Three Wise Men about the Star in the East and the 'gifts of the Magi' that are displayed on a small table: gold,frankinsense and myrrh.

Sheep in Pen ~ Shepherds Flock at Port Credit
After we leave the Wise Men, we come upon the shepherds tending their flock at night, in the desert. Children loved to see these animals and stopped to watch them for a while before heading into the Shepherds' tent.

Tax Collector and Census at Bethlehem Part of Christmas Story
 Our family heads into the tax collector's office to be counted, and to pay our taxes. We all hand him our census form, and after a brief controversy as to the amount due, our leader pays the tax man with a small bag of silver. Kudos to the players for a convincing performance: I was ready to dig into my purse to pay the extra money! Our census forms are stamped as paid and returned to us. They make a great souvenir of the evening.

Lepers Begging Outside the Marketplace - St Andrews Church Yard
As we continued our journey, looking for a place to stay for the night, we headed to a marketplace. On the way, these 'lepers' sitting behind a fence in the dark called out asking for money. Again, I was prepared to give them some! Good job, kids!

MarketPlace Near 'Bethlehem' ~ St Andrews Churchyard Port Credit
As we walked past the lepers, we came across a good sized marketplace, where young people were 'selling' all manner of goods in a large tent. Again, a credible performance from these young people.

No Room At the Inn ~ Christmas Story Highlight ~ St Andrew's Church
Past the marketplace, we came across an Inn where we had hoped to stay the night. The innkeeper answered our leader's knock at the door and told us there was no more room, but directed us to go around the back of the inn.

Nativity Scene St Andrews Church Footprints of Christmas
Around the back of the inn we went, and came across this charming nativity scene. As I walked around the back of the 'stable' in the dark, I came face to face with a donkey tethered at the far side. Hard to say who was more surprised!

Roman Soldier outside Bethlehem : Port Credit (Mississauga) ON
As we took our leave from the Holy Family, we passed this Roman Soldier guarding the gates to Bethlehem. From here, our family's journey was done, and we went into a side door of the church where refreshments were served.

Christmas Cookies Served to One and All: Footprints of Christmas
The lower level of St Andrews Church was set with displays for Christmas. Tables were laid with plates of Christmas cookies, and at the far end, a canteen served up hot cider, hot chocolate and coffee. There is a donation basket, but there is no pressure to contribute.

I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this 'trip to Bethlehem', and was impressed with the charm and hospitality of our hosts. It's obvious how much love and time the congregation has invested in this annual event, and for that I thank them. If you are having trouble finding your Christmas spirit, then head out tonight (Friday) or tomorrow (Saturday) and take part in this wonderful community event!

A huge Thank You to St Andrew's Presbyterian Church!

St Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church is located at 24 Stavebank Road North of Lakeshore Road East in Port Credit. The 'Footprints of Christmas' is at trip worth taking Friday and Saturday night starting at 6:30 p.m. December 3, 4. Free to all. More information at