
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Maple, Oak Leaves, Swans Lake Ontario - Playing With New Camera on a Gorgeous Fall Day!

Yesterday I walked along the Lake Ontario shoreline and the Waterfront Trail as it passes through Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens in Port Credit, and playing with my new camera, I tried out different shots of the lake, the birds, and the shadows and reflections cast by the swans. Here's the better of the pictures, including one lone oak leaf.

Today, the sun finally came out just after noon, and turned the yellow maple leaves golden, and the sky brilliant blue. Click on a picture to enlarge, then click the Back button to return to this page.

Golden Leaves On Tecumseh Creek
This is the view looking north from the bridge over Tecumseh Creek on the Waterfront Trail in Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens. Lake Ontario is directly behind you from this viewpoint.

Yellow Leaves Maple Tree
Again, along Tecumseh Creek and the Waterfront Trail, but close to Lakeshore Road and Shawmarr Road. The sun came out and the brilliant colors commanded attention.

Close Up Maple Tree Canopy
I lay on my back in the middle of the Waterfront Trail beneath this maple tree, and hoped no cyclist would run me over. Loved how blue the sky looked!

Single Yellow Maple Leaf Chain Link Fence
I loved this lone leaf wedged into the chain link fence that keeps Waterfront Trail walkers and cyclists from falling into Tecumseh Creek.

Rusty Red Oak Leaf on Wrought Iron Fence
A day earlier, with no sun, this red oak leaf was caught in a spider's web near the Godfrey's Lane entrance to the Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens (Gosh that's a lot to type! Let's call it the BRG!)

Lake Ontario Mid-Morning Light
Also at the BRG, but on the day before, the light was so unusual that gardens visitors were stopping and sitting on the benches near here, and just looking at Lake Ontario and all the birds - mallards, gulls, swans -- and how the sky reflected in nearly calm waters. From here, you're looking south towards St Catharine's.

Mute Swan Lake Ontario Port Credit
You can tell this is a Mute Swan by its orange beak. The Trumpeter Swans have a black beak, curved neck, and are banded.

Mute Swan - Reflections Lake Ontario
With the play of light and shadow, I tried several shots variously with gulls, mallards and swans, on the water or perched on exposed rocks. With the back lighting, and no real color -- all grays and gray blues -- it was fun to play with. This picture and the one above are my favourites.

Lake Ontario Low Water Levels Port Credit
Green strip between the lake and the beach is from algae that marks usual water line on Lake Ontario. Winds from the south bring the waves higher. The lake waters were so still this day, you can see how the water level has dropped.