
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pink Trilliums, Purple Dwarf Irises, Mallard Duck at Sunset ~ Random Port Credit Pictures

On this Memorial Day weekend (USA) and Bank Holiday (England), and plain old spring weekend here in Canada, I offer a few random pictures taken in Port Credit, Ontario : Trilliums, Irises and a lone Mallard duck.

Trilliums ~ Ontario Provincial Flower

A few days ago, when I was weeding at Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens, I came across this clump of trilliums as I was heading home for the night. I took one photo without the flash, and this one, above, with the flash: This photo turned out a bit better.

While there are abundant trilliums growing at nearby Rattray Marsh, as well as in local private gardens, these are the first trilliums I have seen in the BR Gardens. Hopefully, they will multiply, and be joined by new plantings.

Because trilliums are the designated provincial floral emblem of the Province of Ontario, they are not to be picked or dug up. If you'd like some for your own garden, head to a local nursery or proper garden center.

Dwarf Purple Iris

Also at the BRG, earlier that evening, the setting sun caught these dwarf purple irises in a golden light. Not the best of photos, I admit, and I will try to get a better shot at a time of day when my shadow is easier to keep out of the shot. :-) As it was, I was half-lying in the dirt, which made it hard to focus the shot.

Mallard Duck at Sunset - Saddington Park

The evening before, at the end of a very warm day (29C / 84F), I walked home from the shops in Port Credit through Saddington Park. Just entering the park on the west side of the Credit River, south of the lighthouse, there is a short footbridge over a small creek.

A shaft of the setting sunlight shone through the leafy underbrush to put a spotlight on this Mallard, who appeared to be basking in its warmth. Had the sunlight not illuminated his bright green feathers, I doubt I'd have noticed him. As it was, he was some distance from me.

Only wish I'd had my good camera with 300mm telephoto : This is such a pretty scene, and my little digital camera doesn't do it justice.

And no jokes about 'poor workman' and laying blame :-)

If you're in Port Credit, Etobicoke, Missisisauga or any of the area towns, drop by Bruekcner Gardens for the rhodo tour tomorrow (Details, map)