
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Surfin Bird Lake Ontario Cranberry Cove on a Warm Late Winter Day With Spring Fever Setting in!

Cranberry Cove Lake Ontario - a warm, sunny day with gusty winds bring the temperatures up to plus 10C was great for us winter-weary types and great for the ducks playing ' Surfin' Bird ' on Cranberry Cove in Mississauga.

Cranberry Cove Lake Ontario
Here's the wide picture of the Cranberry Cove shoreline at Rhododendron Gardens in Port Credit.

Surfin' Bird ~ Ducks on Lake Ontario
The waves were fairly gentle, but every so often, as waves do, a few larger ones rolled in.

Breaking Wave Cranberry Cove Lake Ontario
The sun was so warm that even with the winds gusting to 50 kph (31 mph), you still didn't need a hat or gloves, or any heavy winter coat. Almost as good as finding yourself on a beach in Florida without having had to get on a plane!

I shot a short video of the sounds of the wind and waves - nothing earth shattering and I am not expecting any Oscar. Just such a nice day to sit in the sun!

Surfin' Bird Video Cranberry Cove

Family Guy Surfin' Bird video - one of the funniest Family Guy's EVER!
