
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Toronto Thunderstorm, Queen's Park, OCAD, AGO, CN Tower, Kensington Market

A thunderstorm in Toronto (Ontario, Canada) cut short my tour of Queen's Park, OCAD (Ontario College Art and Design), AGO, the C N Tower and Kensington Market, but the rainy afternoon was offset by the lovely morning and a good lunch. (Click on image to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page.)

Queen's Park Toronto Ontario

This historic building is Queen's Park, at University and Wellesley Ave. Queen's Park is seat of the Ontario legislature. As a seat of government, it's a magnet for protesters, though this day, the sole protester was a mother with baby in stroller, and a sign asking for support for autistic children.

OCAD 'Pencil Crayon' Supports

Toronto visitor inspects the pencil crayon-like supports for the top floors of the Ontario College of Art and Design that frame the historic towers of Fort York to the southwest.

OCAD Support Beams along McCaul Street Toronto

Pedestrians make their way around the colorful crayon supports that pierce the sidewalk along McCaul Street in downtown Toronto.

Art Gallery Ontario ( AGO ) Henry Moore Sculpture

The AGO -- Art Gallery of Ontario, 317 Dundas Street West at McCaul -- is a short distance north of OCAD (see googlemap), and newly re-designed by Frank Gehry. Admission is free on Wednesday nights (6-8:30 p.m. - see AGO info).

NOTE AGO new Henry Moore Exhibit October 23, 2010 on the darker side of Moore. Details Toronto Star article here.

C N Tower Toronto Landmark

The CN Tower is the perfect landmark to get your bearings in Toronto (see Chinatown post for more) I took this picture from the path that links the patio area outside the entrance to the tower elevators and Union Station covered walkway. See the site at for prices. With the thunderstorm already threatening this hot and humid day, we decided against going up the Tower.

The admission fees have increased since last I went up to the restaurant (360 resto), and if I remember correctly, the current adult ticket cost is about $22; However, if you order a main course at the resto, this fee is comped. The menu for 360 is posted in the patio area. Have a look before making your choice: To Dine or Not to Dine.

Kensington Market Toronto Ontario

Kensington Market is a few blocks east from Union Station, itself a few blocks east of the CN Tower along Front Street or via indoor walkway. The historic Market is typical of those in other cities ( Saint John, NB; Santiago, Chile) and a good spot to buy meat, seafood, vegetables and fruit, lunch or souvenirs of Canada, like maple syrup. Saturday mornings are the busiest time.

Wellington Street Office Towers

The office towers of downtown Toronto offer photographers interesting camera angle shots in their shape, and in their reflective windows. Keep your camera handy, and remember to look up and back to catch unusual shots.

Thunderstorm Shelter at Commerce Court Toronto

As the downpour began in earnest, I took shelter under the glass awnings outside Commerce Court on Wellington Street. This location is a block or so north of Union Station, the train and subway transit hub for Toronto.

Since I had to wait out the heaviest of the thunderstorm, I turned my camera setting to Video, and took some shots of the rain on the roads.

(See my video at Toronto Thunderstorm)