
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rhododendron Garden Tour Mississauga Ontario

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Tour 2010 May 23, Sunday: See BRG Blog
Rhododendron Garden Tour 2008: David Culham (the Culham Trail, a Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, hiking trail along the Credit River north of Dundas Street) sent this note the other day:
The Stewardship Committee has a "tour walk about" on May 25th at 2 pm at which the head gardener Para Kanp will describe what has been going on of late.

And so I found this sign at the Rhododendron Gardens park entrance. Para Kanp is a Master Gardener assigned to the park and it will be a wonderful opportunity to tour with such an excellent guide.

Rhodo Gardens tour sign
If you live in the area and love rhododendrons, spring flowers, gorgeous trees and lakeshore parks, then please come and join us. There is a Mississauga Transit bus stop (No 23 that runs between the Port Credit and Clarkson GO stations) at the park entrance. There may be parking on Shawnmarr (free) as well. Or bike along the Waterfront Trail.

Brueckner Memorial Plaque Rhodo Gardens
Many of the rhododendrons came from the gardens of Mississauga's own renowned rhododendron expert, the late Dr. Joseph Brueckner, and what a rich gift he left us all.

Pink Rhodo Mississauga
This pink rhododendron was in full glory this afternoon, but I had to step lively as a wedding party was just setting up to take photos, with this plant as a backdrop. Weekends, the park sees many a bridal couple and all their friends and family. It's such a happy place, and pure delight to walk its trails.
Grey (gray) Squirrel
Just over the hill, this squirrel was happily absorbed in peanuts someone had left for him. When he finished one, he came snuffling up to me and my camera, looking for more. The gusty winds were whipping the leaves in the bright sunlight, casting sudden shadows.

I do hope to meet many of you next Sunday afternoon. I'll be one of many, with cameras in hand.

December 20 2008 Update: Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens in Winter Snow

Snow-covered Rhodos in Garden
After yesterday's snow storm here in Ontario, the sun set off diamond sparkles on the snow covering the rhodos that surround the memorial plaque.

See how the gardens looked yesterday during the snow storm on this post.

Update May 17, 2009
Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens May 24 2009 Tour 
NOTE : The Gardens name changed to honor the legacy rhododendrons donated by Dr. Brueckner.