
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Lake Ontario Port Credit Canada Late November

No earth shattering news to report, just a few pictures of Port Credit - Mississauga from the past few weeks, starting with one from mid November, on the Lake Ontario shoreline at Rhododendron Park.

The long pile of shells was left by summer's stormy waves. (See what the Lake Ontario shore looked like in May on my earlier post).

Here's a close up of the shells. I was told they are zebra mussel remains.

I believe this is a type of maple, from the leaves. In any event, I love the color!

The picture above was taken a few weeks later, the end of November. It's the willow tree on Lakeshore Road at the entrance to Rhododendron Park (same page in the blog as the lakeshore above). I must be a creature of habit when I go for a walk, as I seem to have the same pictures in different seasons!

This grey squirrel stood stock still for more than a minute, but I knew if I moved closer for the better shot, he'd be off like one!

So that's the pictures from mid to late November. Now I'll post the ones I took today.