
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Showers or Tubs :: Do Travelers Really Care?

I don't know about you, but at the end of a long day of walking, climbing, schlepping in and out of random buildings and generally being all hot, sweaty and tired and embedded with sunscreen and insect spray, all I want at the end of the day is a good soak in a proper tub. And when all I am faced with at my hotel is a shower, and a small one at that, I am truly disappointed.

Granted, there are worse things in the world, which don't need to be named here. But think about it: On my feet all day, carrying lord knows what in my pack, and they want me to STAND SOME MORE?

This hotel bath is in the Circle Hotel, Gonder, Ethiopia. (More about Gonder at my Ethiopia pages)

On a trip to Australia via Asia, I reveled in the deep soaker tubs at the Mandarin in Haikou (Hainan, China). The soaker tub in Hong Kong was a positive delight. Thailand (Bangkok, River Kwai) left a bit to be desired, but Australia definitely let me down.

Other than friend Teena's condo tub (bless you, Teena!) in Trinity Beach, Queensland, my hotels in Sydney, Adelaide and Kangaroo Island were shower only, with signs posted, saying, " for Heavens sake, don't close your bathroom door or stand too long under hot steamy water, or the smoke/fire alarms will sound when the steam hits the sensor." Or words to that effect.

Which they did, the alarms, that is, -- they shrilled whenever some poor fool forgot this warning, and, once, sent us all outdoors onto the rainy pavements at midnight. Overly-sensitive fire alarms are another issue entirely, but they do serve to remind travelers to keep valuables close to hand, and not strew suitcase contents all over the room, so that you can get out in a flash, should the alarm be non-shower steam related. I could hardly wait to return to Hong Kong just to have a proper soak.
Below is the wonderful bath at the Nexus in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Vent over. In my newly-renovated bath, there's a large, deep soaker tub that I do believe is calling to me. Yes, yes it is!
