
Monday, April 23, 2007

Mississauga Day Trips :: Reno Inspired

This Spring, I'm staying close to home, but I'm making a lot of day trips. Nowhere particularly scenic, or a major tourist draw, except for possibly Port Credit. And when the rhododendrons bloom in the aptly though unimaginatively named Rhododendron Park, I shall have a front row seat.

The impetus for this spate of day trips is my impending move almost due south from the Streetsville area of Mississauga to where the Credit River enters Lake Ontario, just across from the aforementioned park.

With the new place needing major renovating before I can move in, my days are spent perusing tile and flooring stores, with side trips to the bathroom fixtures and kitchen departments. Most of the trips are to various branches of the so-called Big Box stores, interspersed with forays to specialty retailers. When I need a break from all this excitment, I get on the phone to coordinate various removalists and demoliton people, switch utilities and internet, and consult my lawyer, personal banker and realtor. Be still my heart!

Not as exciting as climbing the Great Wall, or beachcombing in Queensland, perhaps. But adding up the prices is definitely a heart-stopping experience.

So forgive my sporadic and unexotic destination posts for a few more weeks. After the move,I shall definitely be looking for a fabulous trip to reward myself.

If you'd like to have a look at my current 'village in the city' (Streetsville) or my soon-to-be neighbourhood (Port Credit), pop over to the photos at SnapshotJourneys Mississauga and Streetsville.

I've written a number of articles about fine dining restaurants in Port Credit (including one for the Waterside Inn Breakwater Restaurant) that are posted on Mississauga Ontario Restaurants. After spending so much time down in Port Credit at trendy restaurants and pubs, I decided to move closer to them, and the lake and marinas. Best of all, I won't need a DD (designated driver) ever: I can just walk home!