
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Take a Hike for Valentine's Day in Powell River B.C. (Canada)

From the lovely and talented romantics who handle tourism at Vancouver Coast and Mountains ( comes this intriguing suggestion for celebrating Valentine's Day (February 14): Take a Hike! Not just any old hike, but a hike along the appropriately named Valentine Mountain Trail.

Located in
Powell River on the Sunshine Coast, it's waiting for you to come and hike it. The short (0.6 km/0.4 mi) trail offers views of Mowat Bay, Cranberry Lake and Powell Lake, and all the surrounding islands. Not only will you see beautiful plant life, and possibly small wildlife along the way, but, if you bring your “Valentine" you might be able to share a kiss in the forest in a true tribute to Valentine’s day! See discoverpowellriver for more information.

Well, this winter, in those parts, the 'weather outside's been frightful . . ." But hopefully in a month, it will be back to being its usual sunny self. Have a look at some of my summertime photos at Snapshot Journeys Canada. This entire area is a very fine place to go sailing, biking, sightseeing or hiking and more. Do yourself a favor: If you can't make it for Valentine's Day, make it another day. You'll be glad you did!