
Saturday, March 04, 2006

Welcome to my travel-web builder blog

According to my diploma, I am a journalist, albeit one who suffers from 'f-stop html deficiency'. In the decade since I got my diploma, I have been steadily freelancing as a writer who takes photos. I do not pretend to be a professional photographer, but since I get paid for my photos, that's what they say I am. I am also the unofficial Queen of Typos, but give good advertorial and press releases.

My first loves are travel writing and traveling. (Now THAT"S been a lucrative field since 9/11. If timing is everything, I am chronologically bankrupt.)
And about a year ago, I fell in love with web building, going from zero to four websites (three of my own, and one for a charity) with a lot of technical help from my friend Teena, in Australia. The learning curve was vertical for some months, but it's leveling off.

All this, while suffering from a handicap (bone idleness.) I think it comes from being born under the signs of Libra (western) and Pig (eastern). But it just goes to show what you can accomplish when you love what you are doing.

My last name is a word in Polish (don't ask), though I am not, and never have been. Because of this name, though, my websites get a lot of hits from Poles apparently looking for a good time. I can't be sure, as I can't read Polish, either.

Now I am starting this blog about web building, photography, travel and writing to track my progress, and figure out where I want to go and what I want to do. Writing something down always helps me make decisions: When I can see a list of pros and cons, I can see which way to go. This blog seems more permanent than my usual scraps of paper, and harder to misplace.

If you are new to web site building, travel writing or traveling solo, then take from my blog whatever is of use, and forgive me my typos.
